​Welcome to Mission on Main Street, also known as M.O.M.S. Food Pantry! We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving families in food crisis in the Collinsville, Oologah, Talala and Vera communities.

M.O.M.S. serves families in food crisis usually the 1st Saturday of each month as well as 10 days later on a Tuesday evening through an “in-person” approach. Families come to shop in a supermarket styled model where they can choose the foods they need and will eat. It is in this model of food distribution where relationships with the families can be built, hope can be restored, and God’s Word can be shared.

Please support us through prayer, spreading our message of hope to others, donating food and personal care items, and through financial support. If you would like to start a food drive, let us know and we can assist you with a flier and our current needs. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your donations are tax deductible.

We provide nutritional food assistance through a twice-a-month distribution day as well as emergency assistance on an as-need basis. We require proof of residency and photo identification. We are usually open the 1st Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 11:00 am as well as ten days later on Tuesday evening 6pm to 8pm. Families who need emergency food assistance can contact us to set up an appointment. Churches are also encouraged to contact M.O.M.S. when they have an urgent need for assistance for one of their members who are in food crisis.